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Abhijit Naskar is one of the world's celebrated Neuroscientists, International Bestselling Author of 100+ books, World’s First Poet with 1000+ sonnets, and a Renowned Public Speaker (TEDx, World Youth Forum 2019 and more), whose contributions in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience have helped the world tackle the issues of systemic racism, mental illness, prejudice, hate, intolerance, discrimination, biases and stereotypes more effectively. He was born in Calcutta, India. His rejuvenating scientific philosophy of the mind has been lavishing human life and society with the colors and sweetness of awareness and  acceptance since its advent with his very first book “The Art of Neuroscience in Everything”.

As a leading expert of the world in human behavior, Abhijit Naskar has brought awareness of mind and behavior in healthcare, legislation, education, corporate and many other sectors, while building a society free from prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination and conflicts. The literary works of this self-educated scientist have made it possible for us to be acquainted with various aspects of our thoughts, emotions and behavior. Naskar’s work has been featured in Forbes, Psychology Today, International Business Times, Marie Claire, Interesting Engineering, ABC Australia, The Scotsman, The Skeptic’s Guide to The Universe Podcast, Latin Times, El Español, Arkansas Online, Patheos, The Sun, Coast Report Online, Colombo Telegraph, Pioneer, Times of India, and many more. Some of his popular books are "The Art of Neuroscience in Everything", "Autobiography of God", "Love, God & Neurons" and "7 Billion Gods".



To book Abhijit Naskar for a speaking engagement, email at





Called "the humanitarian scientist" Abhijit Naskar's work roams around the deep corners of the human mind. His principle field of work is Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience. He became a beloved best-selling author all over the world with his very first publication, “The Art of Neuroscience in Everything”, released in the year 2015.


His popular publications on the existential nature of the mind include “What is Mind?”, “A Push in Perception”, “Love, God & Neurons” and many others. Some of his early literary wonders into the neuropsychology of religious sentiments include “Autobiography of God: Biopsy of A Cognitive Reality”, “Biopsy of Religions: Neuroanalysis towards Universal Tolerance” and “In Search of Divinity: Journey to The Kingdom of Conscience”, which have contributed greatly in the elimination of religious conflicts from society, along with his countless later works. Other works like “We Are All Black: A Treatise on Racism” and “Either Civilized or Phobic: A Treatise on Homosexuality” tackle the issues of racism and phobia from a medical standpoint. Also, Naskar’s 2018 masterpiece of medical ethics, entitled “Time to Save Medicine” has empowered countless students and practitioners of medicine to be better doctors.


As revealed in his later works, his 11th publication, the 2016 book “In Search of Divinity”, was where the true Naskarean voice started to take shape. By the year 2019, Naskar’s works acquired a much grander landscape. In late 2018 the humanitarian scientist released his first geopolitical marvel of peace, entitled “Fabric of Humanity”, which was also the book in which the world received the first Abhijit Naskar Sonnet, called “Sonnet of Human”. Thereafter, sonnets became a fundamental part of Naskarean Science and Philosophy. Today, Abhijit Naskar is planet earth’s pinnacle of sonnets, as well as the pioneer of humanitarian science, and the living embodiment of multiculturalism.


“Fabric of Humanity”, “When Humans Unite” and “The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth”, along with all his later works, such as “Hometown Human”, “Mucize Insan” and “Gente Mente Adelante” take us into the investigation of the neuropsychological underpinnings of the geopolitical and domestic issues of society, while charting the course for an inclusive and humane future. The humanitarian works containing Naskar’s mightiest ideas on human rights, world building, religious integration and multiculturalism have been compiled into four mammoth anthologies, entitled “Naskar’s Knights: The Humanitarian Omnibus”, “Undercover Armageddon: World Engineering Omnibus”, “Milkyway Messiahs: The Interfaith Omnibus” and “Inclusivity Omnibus”.


Naskar’s purely poetic wonders include sonnetary masterpieces like “Giants in Jeans: 100 Sonnets of United Earth”, “Handcrafted Humanity: 100 Sonnets For A Blunderful World”, “Honor He Wrote: 100 Sonnets For Humans Not Vegetables” and many others. As of October, 2023, the current Naskarean sonnet count stands at over 1200, and 1000 of which have been compiled into a giant anthology called “Humankind, My Valentine: World’s First Anthology of 1000 Sonnets”.


Having created almost an inexhaustible supply of humanitarian literature, with over 100 books, that prioritize humanity over intellect and faith, in a 2023 work Naskar writes – “the lines between neuroscience, philosophy, poetry, theology and sociology do not exist in my works. Divisions exist only in the world of amateurs – the deeper you go in mind, the more undivided you become, until you finally realize, it’s all one.”



Addressing 7000 delegates at World Youth Forum 2019

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